St. Patrick’s Day Mass & Celebration Pictures!

Monday, March 17th, there was a parish celebration in Old Hennessy’s to honor St. Patrick from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  

There were Irish Bangers & Mash with gravy, Tostadas, many desserts, several beers on tap (including a hand-made beer from some of our own parishioners), wine, and other non-alcoholic beverages, the always popular piñata, and best of all, live Irish Music!  Thank you to all who came to celebrate and to all who volunteered their time to help!

Weekend Mass Schedule
SAT: 4:00 PM
SUN: 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM (Spanish),

5:00 PM

Office Hours
MON 9am – Noon & 1pm-5pm
TUES, WED, & THURS: 9am-Noon
FRI: Closed

*During Winter, if schools are closed, the office is closed.

St. Mary Catholic Church
239 W Clay Ave
Muskegon, MI 49440
(231) 722-2803