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Multi-year Eucharistic Revival continues with day of Eucharistic renewal in June

Join us for this Upcoming Event! Into the Mystery: A Day of Eucharistic Renewal, Unity, and AdventureJune 10, 2023 | 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Location:Aquinas College Sturrus Sports & Fitness Center1580 Fulton St. E.Grand Rapids, MI 49503 View schedule Register This event will serve as a sort of mini-Eucharistic Congress for the diocese, gathering … Lee mas

News regarding the closing of the Our Lady of Grace worship site / Noticia acerca de la clausura de Nuestra Señora de Gracia

Please see the letter below for more information. A date for a final Mass and celebration of Our Lady of Grace this summer has not yet been set, but we will inform the community as soon as more information is available. In the meantime, Saturday and Wednesday Masses, Tuesday office hours, and Wednesday religious education … Lee mas

Charla de Formación: Género

The rise of various ideologies of gender has led to confusion in the media, in schools, and in public policy. What insights does Catholic teaching have to offer? How can parents help their children navigate this confusion? This is the third in a series of talks about the Catholic worldview. The talk will take place … Lee mas

Consulta de planificación familiar natural

On Saturday, January 28th, from 9-10:30am in Lourdes Hall, there will be an inquiry meeting, where the practice of Natural Family Planning (NFP) will be discussed. If you are preparing for marriage, or just want to learn more about NFP, or learn why the Church teaches what she does about artificial methods of birth control, … Lee mas

Marcha en memoria de Roe V. Wade

Feeling concerned about Michigan’s future?  Join the movement that is standing up to our state’s abortion giants Saturday January 28th at the state capital! By Joining in on January 28th, You’ll discover that there is hope to move forward! REGISTER NOW: WHO: EVERYONE!  Pro-Lifers of ALL AGES are invited to this rally. WHAT: Michigan Roe v. Wade Memorial March WHEN: Saturday, January 28th | 1-2PM … Lee mas

Charlas de formación en la fe

Una serie de charlas que este año se centra en la cosmovisión católica en contraste con una cosmovisión secular, y analiza temas difíciles como la existencia de Dios, la fe y la ciencia, la persona humana y el género. Los enlaces a charlas anteriores se pueden encontrar en la página de homilías. Próximas charlas: English Español 1 de marzo, … Lee mas

Horario de Misas de Navidad

Saturday, December 24 4:00 PM Mass in English (St. Mary’s)6:00 PM Misa en Español (St. Mary’s)12:00 AM Midnight Mass (St. Mary’s) Sunday, December 25 10:00 AM Mass in English (Our Lady of Grace)

Misas Dominicales
SAT: 4:00 PM
SUN: 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM (Español),

5:00 PM

Horario de Oficina
LUN 9am – Noon & 1pm-5pm
MAR, MIÉR, & JUE: 9am-Noon
VIER: Closed

*During Winter, if schools are closed, the office is closed.

Iglesia de Santa María
239 W Clay Ave
Muskegon, MI 49440
(231) 722-2803