Adam Raha

Parish Date Night

Saturday, September 23rd, @ 5:15pm Lawn @ 239 W. Clay Ave. Muskegon Mi. 49440 (Henessy’s as rain location) Simple cuisine, drinks, conversation, and a talk from Fr. Kyle.  For married or dating couples, Ages 21+! Please review the available slots HERE and click on the button to sign up – or – call the parish office … Lee mas

Position Posted: Director of Discipleship and Evangelization

Our parish has posted a new position: Director of Discipleship and Evangelization.  The job desciption is posted below. Our deadline for applications/CVs is July 31st.  The interview process is to begin in August.  All resumes can be submitted to: The job description for the position of “Director of Discipleship and Evangelization” was developed based off feedback received both from the parish town hall, … Lee mas

Retirement announced: Kacey Kersman

After 18 years of service to the parish with religious education, youth group functions, and sacramental preparation, Kacey Kersman has decided to retire from her position as DRE. We wish to thank her for her dedication and commitment and wish her all the best with her future endeavors. She and her family will remain in … Lee mas

Pictures from the Blessing of the Bikes

On Friday, July 21st, over 30 bikers and many daily mass goers joined us for a a Blessing of the Bikes by Father Kyle Kilpatrick. A short reception followed the blessing with beautiful sacred music by Laura and her singers, refreshments, and fellowship. We received a lot of positive feedback and plan on hosting another … Lee mas

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Invitation from Bishop Walkowiak: To Pray an Act of Reparation on June 16, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart The USCCB is inviting Catholics to pray an act of reparation on June 16, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Bishop Walkowiak joins Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, USCCB president, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee … Lee mas

Corpus Christi Procession of the Blessed Sacrament / Procesión de Corpus Christi del Santísimo Sacramento

Saturday June 10th & Sunday, June 11th there will be processions of the Blessed Sacrament for the feast of Corpus Christi – all parishioners who attend each of the masses are encouraged to join!  Here are the details: Saturday, June 10th: Directly after the 4:00 pm Mass at OLG Sunday, June 11th:  ______________________________________________________________________________________ El sábado … Lee mas

Pentecost Potluck!

Sunday, May 28th, after the 5:00pm Mass, the parish will be hosting a potluck to celebrate Pentecost! The parish will provide some grilled hotdogs with buns and condiments, cake, and lemonade. Please bring a dish to pass and BOYB if you wish. Back again this year by popular demands will be the now annual “Burning … Lee mas

Parish-wide Survey Now Available!

We want your feedback! Take our survey on the Strategic Plan and Case for Support (below) here: We want your feedback! Parish-wide survey here: **Everything seen below is going out in the mail to all parishioners**

Misas Dominicales
SAT: 4:00 PM
SUN: 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM (Español),

5:00 PM

Horario de Oficina
LUN 9am – Noon & 1pm-5pm
MAR, MIÉR, & JUE: 9am-Noon
VIER: Closed

*During Winter, if schools are closed, the office is closed.

Iglesia de Santa María
239 W Clay Ave
Muskegon, MI 49440
(231) 722-2803